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Finishing the Urban Mech IIc

Urban Mech IIc
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$7.50 USD


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16 March 2006page first published

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4,728 hits since 16 Mar 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Adrian Gideon writes:

I continued with the metallic areas, highlighting the checkers with Stonewall Gray. For the metal detailing around the torso, I darkened some areas with a 2/1 Cold Gray and Black mix, and highlighted with Ghost Gray. In some spots I blended in Wolf Gray, to make it seem the metal was reflecting the blue color of the torso. I used white to dot the corners and tips. The same colors were used on the arm weapons, but I wet-blended them. The windows were done with a quick dark-to-light fade, but I tried to create a shattered window effect on the left side with White paint and a technical pen.

I added a blue panel to the center torso, to break up all the light blue.

Back to the rust. I stippled and streaked Black Red over the mini, mainly over the orange areas, and used a very watered down Black Red to blend it all the way through the orange, green, to the blue areas. A heavy dose of Black Red was used under any metallic areas.

Dosed with Black Red

Next up, I needed to weather the arm weapons. Smoke was applied to the right autocannon barrel, followed by watered-down Black. The left-arm laser didn't need this treatment. Both arms were then given the same rust treatment – Goblin Green, Fiery Orange, Black Red. The laser port was roughly jeweled blue. The miniature was, for the most part, complete.


I blacked out the base and junk, and then painted the base Beasty Brown.

Basecoating the base

The base was drybrushed with Bubonic Brown followed by Bone, with a final highlight of White. I painted the junk in various colors, giving most of it the rust treatment. The base rim was painted Graveyard Earth.

Base is painted
Base (rear)

I glued a few patches of static grass, and sealed the miniature.

Static grass added

See the Finished Pictures