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Mighty Armies Barbarians: My Painting Process

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Jonthegreat writes:

Nice job.

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26 March 2007page first published

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IGWARG Fezian writes:

I attached the figures to floor tiles, that I use to hold figures for painting.

I primed them black with spray paint. After that, I covered all the figures with dark brown, including the spots that I missed with spray paint.

Primed and based

I painted figures from inside out, starting with the flesh. I highlighted raised areas of the flesh with light flesh color, using a brush with good point.

Painted figures
Painted figures
Painted figures

I proceeded to use contrasting colors on other areas of the figures, changing color combinations to produce variety.

Shields are fairly large, flat areas of the figures that draw attention, so I used two shades of colors instead of the one shade that I used everywhere else. For example, white-and-red shields were painted with dark red and gray colors, and highlighted with light red and white respectively.

All was done with a good pointy brush. It's very important to use different brushes for metallic paints, and to change water right after you finish with metallic colors. If you don't do that, you will pollute your other brushes and paints with tiny specks of metal - and pretty soon, your figures will look like they were painted with glitter paint!