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Lions: Finishing Stages


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20 August 2008page first published

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Stronty Girl Fezian (AKA Amanda Kear) writes:

Stage 8:

The claws, teeth, muzzle and chin are painted in Unbleached Titanium.

Claws, teeth, muzzle and chin painted

Stage 9:

The irises of the eyes are done in Winsor & Newton Finity Cadmium Yellow Medium. That's probably a bit too bright for real eye-colour in a lion, but a more muted yellow or tan makes the eyes look undersized.

The "eyebrow" and below-eye markings are now painted in Unbleached Titanium. You could probably do a perfectly acceptable lioness without these markings, but I'm a zoologist by training so I lie awake at night worrying about such things…

While waiting for this to dry, I painted the rocks on the base (those not buried in Polyfilla) with Winsor & Newton Finity Red Iron Oxide - and as this particular paint dries in half a microsecond, then I drybrushed Golden Ochre over it.

By this time the yellow of the eyes was dry, so it was time to do the pupils in GW Chaos Black.

Finishing stages

Stage 10:

Finishing stages… I drybrushed Naples Yellow over the rocks.

Then the teeth got a highlight of Winsor & Newton Titanium White.

The nose gets a little GW Tanned Flesh on it, but leaving a black line all the way round.

Go look at some pictures of lions' noses - they are pinkish in the middle.

And then a wash of Burnt Umber on the tuft of the tail, and then I tried to pick out the dimples on the muzzle (where the whiskers insert) with some specks of Burnt Umber.

More finishing

I'm not entirely satisfied with these lionesses - I think I overdid the Burnt Umber on the first wet-blending, so their ribs show up rather prominently. A couple of hungry lionesses in need of a square meal?