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Looking Over Battlefront's Panzer III G

Panzer III G
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Suggested Retail Price
$9.00 USD


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aecurtis Fezian writes:

Apparently not…


Revision Log
11 January 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Before sending the models off to Miniatures of Cheasapeake, I put them in front of the camera and snapped a few quick pics.

Body and turret are made of resin

The hull and turret of this model are composed of a cream-colored resin. The turret comes attached to the hull with a glob of temporary adhesive, a rubbery substance that rubs off.

Track units - front and back of left unit (top), right unit (bottom)

The rest of the model is metal. The track units fit under the fenders on each side of the hull, and are marked to indicate their proper facing. (The picture shows three track units - keeping you on your toes! No, I just wanted to show the back of one, so you could see how they're marked...)

Gun and mantlet, turret bin, and turret hatch

Then come the smaller components: the gun mantlet piece, which fits to the front of the resin turret; a circular hatch, which can be inserted into the turret cupola (or could be cut apart for an "open" hatch); and a piece which fits to the rear of the turret and forms a storage bin.

Tank commander and crewman (mounted)

Lastly, there are two (optional) figures - a tank commander and a tank crewman, designed to fit into the turret hatch. (Most of our models came with 1 of each type, but one came with an identical pair. According to Battlefront's online catalogue, this pack now comes with a dismounted crewman figure as well - that must be new, as our models don't include that...)

And now the models are on their way to the Cheasapeake...

Tank is approximately 54mm long, 27mm wide, and 26mm tall (to top of cupola).