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Finishing the Eagle

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15 August 2006page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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sounguru writes:

The base was highlighted using the same shades of gray that we used to start the mech.

Highlighted base

All right, we are in the home stretch - just using a dark blue, a lighter blue, and some white, lay down another circuitboard pattern on the base.

Circuitboard pattern added to base
Here is where I had the great computer crash that required the purchase of a whole new system, so all pics were lost until I reshot the final pics again. So, all that follows is a verbal description of what I have done.

First thing I did was paint the base black, and seal with 3 layers of glosscoat to give it a real shine. I then set it aside for final assembly.

Next was to do the vid screen. I first used all of the same steps I did on the mech, except for the circuitboard patterns. Here is where I realized it needed a little more pop, so I went back and drybrushed real lightly the LCD and the base with a banana-yellow color.

After that was complete, I painted the sponsors' banners on the vid screen. I mean, have you ever been to a ballgame? Everywhere you look is someone's ad!

The next step was to mount the vid screen to the mech base, but not to the final base. I lined everything up, then with a small dab of superglue tacked it in place.

I was going for the look as if the mech had just entered the arena, to the cheering crowds and the announcer showing on the vid screen. To achive this, I needed an announcer - so I made a clear decal of Stark from the movie, and set it aside to dry.

I sealed the entire mini with Dullcote, and then set it aside.

Now I glued the mech to the main base. Next was application of the decal. Here is where my idea kinda backfired... and also created a really IRL effect. The decal was too transparent to really show, but if you move the mini to the right angle, all of a sudden Stark's image jumps on the view screen.

Sealed the decal with glosscoat, and mounted to the main base and finished at 11:56 pm on the 7th. Man, was that close... Enjoy!

See the Finished Pictures