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Trollblood Leader

Trollblood Warpack
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CeruLucifus writes:

Methinks some of us take these workbench articles too seriously.

As someone who doesn't play the Privateer Press games and thinks the exaggerated sculpting style rides the line between drama and ridiculousness … I found the references to "leader guy" and "flower power" necklace quite refreshing. Let's not forget we're grown men playing with toy soldiers. A little self-mockery is good at keeping ourselves grounded.

Also, what consummate professionalism! Seriously. DPG wanted them to fit into the customer's collection. He's not a player of this game system and doesn't know its background, but he found a straightforward reference to follow -- the box art. He stuck with that.

I think the end result looks great, and I enjoyed the article.

Revision Log
11 June 2007page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Dread Pirate Garness Fezian writes:

The warlock, wizard or leader guy looked quite different in the artwork, so I began by priming him black.

At the time I started him, I was very excited to try out the new - OK, well, new to me - Privateer Press paints, more commonly known as P3. I used Greatcoat Grey as the base for the skin, and added a little Scorched Brown and Catachan Green to the grey for the cloak.

Base colors

White was added to the Greatcoat Grey, and the highlighting continued. The same went for the cloak. I kept adding white to the base color, going from dark to light till I achieved the effect I wanted. Again, I was not sure where I was going with the color, but I kept gradually lightening the colors till I got something I liked.

A lot of times, you may have an idea or not, or you may not like how things start out. I have found that many times, you just need to keep going, 'cause all the matters is how it looks in the end, and not how it looks along the way.

The necklace (or flower power, as my wife calls it), the weapon trim, cannisters on his belt and neck, and the little orb thingy were basecoated with GW Tin Bitz, then washed with GW Armor Wash, and then Silver was added to the Tin Bitz. I mixed in a little GW Shining Gold on these so the metal effect was not uniform. I thought it would be a nice visual to have different colors mixed in on the metallic parts so it looked old or ancient.

Base colors
Base colors
Base colors

The leather was painted with a base of GW Scorched Brown, highlighted with GW Snakebite Leather, and then a final highlight of GW Snakebite Leather and GW Vomit Brown. The gem was base-colored with black, then Red Gore was thinly applied, then a little more Red Gore, then Blood Red and finally a final highlight of Blood Red and GW Badmoon Yellow. To tie all the colors together, a glaze of red ink was applied.

When doing gems, the way to do it is to paint the darkest color near the top, and add the highlights as you work your way down the surface of the gem. What this does is to show the light shining through the gem and being illuminated along the bottom. To show the lightsource, a dot of white is placed near the top in the darkest region of the gem.

The blade of the axe was done in the same manner as the Axe Troll.
