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8 August 2003 | page first published |
In the forefront of battle, you need better armor and brave spirits!
Minidragon finishes his Temple project by painting the kit he previously assembled.
Editor Julia describes the close-fought battle that swung around and round the Rock!
3,926 hits since 8 Aug 2003
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Having painted the Wolf Riders, reader Igwarg must now provide the figures with permanent bases:
I decided to base my figures a more conventional way (rather than using the Demonworld hexagonal plastic bases), so I can play other game systems. I can use my Demonworld bases as moving trays.
Therefore, I cut some vinyl floor tiles to my desired size and glued down my Wolf Riders.
Next, I painted my bases brown. In case I'll miss a spot while flocking, or if the flock will ever flake off - this way the white color of the tile will not be visible.
Then I spread some white glue around the bases and dipped the figures into my sand box. Ihe "sand box" contains real dirt, as well as some railroad ballast I bought from the hobby store.
After that was dry, I applied some white glue on top of that, and dipped my bases in my "grass box." This box contains a mix of about 5 different types of grass. Then I highlighted the "grass" with some yellow, and painted the base sides medium brown to look like wood.