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The Damned: Painting the Upper Body

Devout Tormented and Damned (2 models)
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€12.49 EUR


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6 February 2008page first published

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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian of Warcolours Miniature Painting Studio writes:

Then we had to tackle the flesh of the upper torso: for this, I wanted something that was almost human, but a little more ashen in complexion, so I basecoated with VMC826 Camo Pale Violet Brown.


Over this, I built the main block using VMC955 Flat Flesh.

Flat Flesh added

The areas where shadows would naturally fall (under the armpits or the lower part of the biceps, for instance) were tinted very lightly with GW Foundation Hormagaunt Purple, GW Codex Grey and GW Foundation Knarloc Green.

Shadows added

Then, to achieve the ashen complexion I mentioned earlier, I built highlights by using VMC Flat Flesh mixed with more and more VMC Light Grey.


The eyes were painted in GW Bad Moon Yellow, with a little GW Chaos Black dot for the pupil. The teeth were picked out with GW Bleached Bone. The tongue was painted in GW Foundation Hormagaunt Purple, and highlighted by adding GW Tentacle Pink to this. The bony parts (the horns, claws and bony spikes on the back) were basecoated in GW Bestial Brown, and highlighted by adding more and more GW Bleached Bone and VMC Light Grey with each stage.

More details added