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Painting the Blood ReaverI took one look at this thing and was perplexed. I had no idea how I was going to proceed with the figure. I decided not to worry about it, figuring inspiration would hit me along the way, and went ahead with assembling the mount. I have to apologize - I didn't get any pictures of the rider in progress. I painted him in one fairly fast go, and it didn't even occur to me to get the shots. In fact, I'll hardly be talking about painting the rider at all!! No biggie though...the mount is the real prize here anyway!! Back to the mount. The first picture shows that I decided to pin the beastie's separate limbs on. I chose a bit more dynamic pose than the one i-Kore had the thing pose is a bit more menacing, like he's taking a swipe at someone. ![]() The next shots show the big gaps where the limbs meet the body. ![]() The gaps might be so big because of my non-standard pose, but I'm not sure. I glued the limbs on with a non-gap filling superglue. ![]() Out came the Testors Contour Putty. This stuff is pretty great. It dries fast, it is easy to work with, and you can sand it after it dries! ![]() I used it to fill in the gaps I mentioned above. Using this stuff is faster than green stuff - you don't have to mix it, and the drying time is much, much shorter. ![]() |