Next, I painted the fur. It's drybrushed black mixed with Codex Grey, then Codex Grey by itself. A little watered-down black ink stops it looking too patchy.
The skin is basecoated black mixed with Dark Flesh, then given a couple of highlights introducing more Dark Flesh. A final highlight of Vermin Brown is touched onto the very raised areas.
![The skin is painted The skin is painted](workbench/pics/fan/467178a.jpg)
The lining of the cloak is Tanned Flesh highlighted with Dwarf Flesh.
![The lining of the cloak The lining of the cloak](workbench/pics/fan/467178b.jpg)
Next, the Centurion's tunic (and all other areas of cloth) are painted Liche Purple, which is highlighted by adding white. The folds of cloth on this model are fairly easy and intuitive to highlight, and benefit from a much lighter, fine highlight.
![The tunic is painted The tunic is painted](workbench/pics/fan/467178c.jpg)
The helmet is painted with Nauseating Blue (good luck on getting it, it's discontinued), with the studs and front detail done in the same way as the gold on the armour. The crest is drybrushed Codex Grey, then Fortress Grey, then white. Easy!
![The helmet The helmet](workbench/pics/fan/467178d.jpg)