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Visiting with Steve

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magsman writes:

Way too clean?

Its not clean its sterile. You could perform infection free brain surgery on that desk. I haven't seen the top of my desk for months!...

But maybe I can't paint like him either. A message there?


Revision Log
9 November 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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A few years back, I had the opportunity to drive from California to New York - and I put out the call for any wargamers en route to invite me over (and my camera!).

I had some great visits, but unfortunately, my life got excessively busy immediately afterwards (it's a long story...) and one visit in particular has not been chronicled until now...


This is Steve Smith (Steve at The Vault) from Elkhart, Indiana, at his painting desk. As you may have guessed from his moniker, he's currently the Secretary of HMGS Great Lakes.

"If you have any questions let me know," says Steve. "And if you get to Origins some time, look me up - I'm always at the HMGS Great Lakes-HOT desk. I'm usually the HOT director or Miniatures Director for GAMA there.

"It's always a good party! And I always wear my TMP badge, too! I was able to match some faces with screen names this last year."

Thanks again to Steve and his family for letting me drop by and snap a few pictures. (Wish I could have stayed for a game!)