TMP sent me a very bizarre (but creative!) miniature that I call The Robo-Biker From Hell! It's not only dramatic, it was great fun to paint.

When I got the package, the miniature came in six different parts, consisting of: The front wheel with horns, two back wheels, the body of the robot, and his right-hand gun.

Quick bit before I move on: I use an assortment of paints, whether it be Games Workshop, Reaper, or 3rd party paints like Basics, so I will not be mentioning some of the colors that I use. However, I will approximate.

The first thing I did was glue the miniature together.

You have to be very careful when gluing wheels because if you glue them wrong, you will throw off the whole miniature and it will look arbitrarily uneven. Otherwise, gluing was fairly easy.

I then primed the miniature black.
I highly recommend this, because for vehicles you are aiming for shadows and a cool drybrush effect.
Here come the fun parts! To add a cool shine/shadow effect, I drybrushed the whole thing silver (GW Mithril Silver).

I then proceeded to drybrush the actual robot attached to the vehicle, gold (GW Shining Gold).

It is very important not to overdo these things, or else your miniature will look spotty and inconsistent.
Now you have gotten your two base colors: silver and gold. These two colors will be my theme. The idea is that the miniature colors must correspond to each other. For example, GW Buckskin and Bubonic Brown are not the same, but correspond to gold. If you use more than two to three base colors, your miniature will be over-colored and will look very bland.
Take a look at these pictures:
This is an example of too many colors. It looks OK, but the green makes it seem like it's just too much.
Now this miniature has coloring that pertains to its base colors. It is a very great painted model

From here on, it is up to you to choose colors - however, I will talk about a few more effects I did.
I slightly modified my figure. As you can see in the picture below, on the vehicle there are spikes, and I drilled a Tyranid skull and Space Marine helmet for a slightly more realistic effect. It's not hard to do - all you need is a drill, a small bit for the drill, and the patience to make it look good! All you need to do is drill a hole large enough to fit the head through the spike. From there, you glue it and you're done! The spikes are exclusively from my WH40K Tyranid bits.

Basing was also fairly easy. For this, you will need a thin piece of wood, GW gravel, and grass. First, you superglue the rectangular wood to the base, then use glue generously and spread it around the sides. Then add gravel. Let it dry overnight, prime it to lock in the glue, paint the gravel different shades of brown, and then glue the grass. Make it patchy for a more realistic effect, as below: