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Painting the Tessen

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sounguru writes:

The sand I use you can get at any craft store that does floral. I have 11 different colors to choose from in my terrain drawer. I have blue red, and even flouecent colors. I love this stuff for basing. It is the same stuff the use to put in the bottom of vases for fake flower arrangemnets.

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9 March 2006page first published

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3,068 hits since 9 Mar 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

sounguru writes:

Based and ready to prime

Here is the mech, based and ready to prime. I added a little scrap to the base, since there was a lot of open space when mounted. I filled the base with vinyl spackle and sand to build it up. I worked it up the feet a little, to give the impression of the mech sinking in the mud.

Primed brown

Here, I have primed the mech with a brown Krylon primer, to give me a rusty base to start off with.

Drybrushed white

My next step was to drybrush the entire mech with white, so that when I go to lay down the next layer it has some brighter areas.

Drybrushed steel

Next, I did a heavy drybrush of Steel. (I think this is an old Armory color that I have had around for years. Gotta love those old 4 oz. bottles.)