Having finished the acid-shooting bugs, my next task were the vicious biting giant alien flies.
I had previously worked on some flies for a fantasy army, and this project was quite similar.
Sgt Slag
suggested using "a pearlescent green nail polish" for the eyes. I liked the idea, but didn't want to mess with nail polish. Fortunately, I discovered that Dollar Tree had Ceramcoat Metallic Lime Green paint.

I glued the flies to the 50mm-square bases I made in the previous article, and applied the lime-green metallic paint to the eyes, not bothering with any primer. Two coats achieved good coverage, then I tidied up with black. I also decided this time to drybrush the fly body with dark gray to bring out the details.

And here are the finished flies.

In 15mm scale, they are humongous.

I didn't apply a sealer coat, as it didn't seem needed.

It perhaps would have been more in the spirit of Alien Squad Leader to have multiple flies per base, but I didn't have any smaller flies that I liked.

Similarly, since these are flying creatures, I considered trying to create a flight stand for them, but realized these models are not in a flying pose.