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Web Space Station: Painting It

Web Space Station
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TheStarRanger writes:

Really old, from the late 1970's originally.

Revision Log
19 February 2008page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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DemosLaserCutDesigns Fezian of Cyborg Trucker's Wargaming Blog writes:

I gave it a primer coat of flat black. Once dry, the whole model was drybrushed Boltgun Metal, with a follow up of silver drybrush.



There are three main details I tried to pick out on the model. The first was yellow-and-black warning chevrons for ships that may be passing through the middle of the station. There were a few areas suitable for it. I used a base of Bubonic Brown, with a overcoat of yellow. I then added the black stripes.

Warning stripes

Next, warning lights for towers and space locks were painted in maroon and green, and followed up with highlights of red and light green.

Warning lights

Then I added white dots all over the station, to represent the rare backlit porthole to the outside.


Finally, I gave it a coat of sealer to help survive the rigors of outer space.

Finished station
Finished station

And now, some size comparison shots so you can see how big the station is compared to these Silent Death fightercraft:

Size comparison
Size comparison
Size comparison