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The Damned: The Metals

Devout Tormented and Damned (2 models)
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€12.49 EUR


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6 February 2008page first published

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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian of Warcolours Miniature Painting Studio writes:

It was time now to tackle the metals: I started with a basecoat of VMC864 Natural Steel to achieve a natural finish.

Natural Steel basecoat

First of all, I created darker, duller areas by successive stages of GW Dark Flesh, GW Terracotta, VMC Dark Red with a little GW Snakebite Leather, pure GW Snakebite Leather and, finally, GW Snakebite Leather with a little VMC 862 Black Grey added into it.

Darker areas added

Then we had to add the shine, and this came with stages of VMC Natural Steel, GW Boltgun Metal, then a GW Boltgun Metal and GW Mithril Silver mix; I returned a little bit of colour to the lighter areas with a very thin mix of GW Ice Blue, GW Liche Purple and VMC 820 Off White; then I finished the highlights with pure GW Mithril Silver and finally, on the very top areas, with GW Mithril Silver and a little VMC Off White.


The gold areas were basecoated with GW Bestial Brown, and then with VGC Glorious Gold.

Gold basecoat

This was shadowed with successive stages of GW Vermin Fur and GW Knarloc Green...

Shadows added to the gold

...and finally highlighted with VGC Polished Gold.