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Report from Kezley - Part 2

Female Druid
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£4.00 GBP


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14 November 2003page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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kezley writes:

Painting Skin Tone

The part I love the most is painting skin tone, and this figure provides a great opportunity for me to paint skin tone. I decided to use a Caucasian skin tone.

Figure posing with Vallejo paints

I primed the figure white to get a clean paintjob for a human skin tone. For this model, I decided to use Vallejo Model Color Flat Earth, Light Brown, Basic Skin Tone and Ivory.

Primed figure

I basecoated the figure with an equal mix of Flat Earth and Light Brown, added with a little bit of Basic Skin Tone.

Skin has its base coat

I highlighted the figure by adding Ivory little by little, following the overhead highlighting method. (Overhead highlight is a method of placing highlights only on the top/outer area, to get the extreme sharp highlight result.)

Skin with highlights

As you see in the picture, I put the highlight only on the cheekbones, top part of her breasts, top part of her thighs, and top of her knees. Notice that the level of highlight on her cheekbone is higher than her chin and also, the highlight on her thighs is higher/sharper than on her calves.

Figure so far (front view)

Here is the overall look of the front, with skin tone completely painted. And yes, I couldn't help painting the staff black ;)

Figure so far (back view)

Here's the look of her back using the same method. With this one, I also apply a wash with Vallejo Camo Black Brown for her hair and also blacklining.