I was doing this part of the painting while on a weekend trip to the beach with the Foreign Cultures Club of the college I teach at. So, I was using my portable palette. This is just a cheap plastic palette such as you could get in the Arts section of a Hobby Lobby. (In fact, I think that's where I got this one.)
Anyway, the secret of my flesh-painting is herein revealed. I use a variety of paints, including Liquitex, Vallejo Model Color, and Reaper Master Series, as well as some craft paints. For Caucasion and Oriental skin, I mix Liquitex Unbleached Titanium with Burnt Sienna and Raw Sienna in various proportions, and lighten with white (in this case Vallejo Model Color White.
Liquitex tends to dry glossy, so the Vallejo flat finish helps to reduce that a bit.
To make creepy skin, I mix in a little bit of blue (again, a Vallejo shade here).
To help the paint stay fluid for long periods, I used a bit of blending gel medium from a craft paint brand (which, I forget right now...).

To the upper right, you see the wash mixture I used.
Gratuitous Bikini Shot
Here's a bunch of the distaff members of our Foreign Cultures club, largely made up of our overseas students. From left to right, that's Danielle, Hye Jin, Nina, Gita, Prabti, Pratiksha, Stephanie, Laxmi, and Aya.

See, I really was at the beach! Wonderful reference for skin tones....