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Suzi & Zombie Suzi as Painted by Pigmented Miniatures

Suzi (b)
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£3.50 GBP

Zombie Suzi
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£3.50 GBP

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combatpainter Fezian writes:

Great work man! I like what you did.

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17 July 2009page first published

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PigmentedMiniatures Fezian of Pigmented Miniatures writes:

For this Workbench, I've done Hasslefree's Suzi and Zombie Suzi.

I apologize for not taking in-progress pictures; I got wrapped up in painting and just forgot!

The figures were cast very clean, and required little-to-no prep work.

Here is a list of paints I used; they are all Reaper Master Series:

Amber Gold
Ancient Gold
Blackened Metal
Bloodless Skin
Brown Earth
Carnage Red
Ghoul Skin
Golden Blond
Grass Green
Honed Steele
Imperial Purple
Leather White
Marigold Yellow
Moldy Skin
Pure White
Rainy Grey
Ritterlich Blue
Sandy Tan
Sapphire Blue
Scorched Metal
Tanned Highlight
Tanned Leather
Tanned Shadow
Tanned Skin

I started off by gluing the figures to their bases, then applying Elmer's Glue and river sand. When all was dry, I sprayed some flat black primer on them. Brown Earth was applied to the top of the bases, then given Sandy Tan drybrushing.

I always start out with the skin. For the living Suzi, I used Tanned Shadow for the base, and worked my way to the highpoints with thin layers of Tanned Skin and Tanned Highlight. On Zombie Suzi, I used Imperial Purple as the base, then mixed in Ghoul Skin for the second layer. I followed up with thin coats of Ghoul Skin, Moldy Skin, and Bloodless Skin as the final highlight.

The jackets were painted Ritterlich Blue, with Sapphire Blue highlights.

The panties are Imperial Purple, with Imperial Purple/Pure White highlights.

Socks and shirt were given a base of Rainy Grey, then worked up to Leather White and Pure White. I left some of the darker color between the socks and flesh for contrast.

The plaid skirt was done by using a Grass Green basecoat, and then thin lines of Sapphire Blue, Carnage Red, and Marigold Yellow were interlaced.

The hair was basecoated with Tanned Leather, then drybrushed with Amber Gold. I added some Golden Blond to the living Suzi's hair, but left the zombie version alone as I thought the dirty look would suit her better.

Scorched Metal was used for the sword hilt, with Ancient Gold and Honed Steel highlights. The blade was painted with Blackened Metal and Honed Steel.

To finish things up, I applied Krylon Matte Finish, then added some static grass to the bases.

Zombie Suzi