Having finished the Giant Armored Cockroaches for my Alien Squad Leader Hive Mind army, I am at last ready to build the main force – giant vicious biting insects!

Fortunately, I had these plastic ants left over from a previous project. No idea where they come from, but glad they're on my side!

I quickly realized that ants don't need to be painted, so I just glued them down to the bases I had already made. I clamped them down to get a good contact between base and ant.

I was able to achieve the 'squad' vibe for these rules by mounting five ants per 50mm-square base.

The army list requires a minimum of eight bases of Insect Warriors, but I built ten bases to meet my point goal.

The only painting I did was to touch up some of the ants, which got some white 'frosting' from the superglue.

The design of these ants suits them well for use as giant sci-fi insects.

I tried to place them a bit randomly to give them an ant vibe, but I kept their antenna facing forward.

Should I have given them some highlighting? My thought was that ants are just black, that's part of what makes them ants (in our imagination).

These make the classic swarm infantry! And that finishes my Hive Army troops…