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Bugharoth: The Horns

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28 April 2010page first published

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Adam8472 Fezian of Pro Painted Miniatures writes:

Job #2 is to tackle the horns. The model has no less than ten substantial horns. Naturally, I didn't try to paint all of them at once.

I started by painting all the horns Scorched Brown.

Horns painted Scorched Brown

Then I went over them again in Bestial Brown. Very important to have the color watered down sufficiently at this point - with this many coats of paint, using thick color will look dreadful.

Horns painted Bestial Brown

Throughout painting the horns, with each lighter color I left more dark color at the roots. Also, rather than block in the paint, I painted it in lines toward the root, largely following the contours sculpted onto the figure. I probably used roughly ten shades of color for the horns. Going from Bestial Brown, through Bleached Bone to nearly Skull White.

Horns finished