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Round Five Report from Garness-at-Home - Part 3

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28 April 2004page first published

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Dread Pirate Garness continues:

For the most part, the mount is done. I used Americana Burnt Sienna for the saddle mounts, and gave the whole thing a light coat of Testors Lusterless sealer.

I wanted to place the model in a swamp, so I had in mind some low ground with lots of low plants, and mud everywhere along with some stagnant-looking water. The base of the mount was done using Andrea modeling putty. I glued the figure to a round GW monster base and placed putty all around, leaving some depressions for the swamp water I was going to add.

Sculpting putty for the terrain

The next step was to mix Golden Stucco (an acrylic medium with fine sand particles in it, giving it a grainy consistency) and a little Polly S Dirt paint color. I painted this all over the blue putty and let dry. Next day, I drybrushed with Americana Khaki, and then washed sporadically with a thin wash of Americana Dark Hausser Green. I also used Dark Hausser Green as the base color for my water. With a series of washes and drybrushing, I got some of the base to look more like mud, while other parts looked like puddled water. Once all the paint had dried, I used Golden Clear medium to cover the water sections. It is a neat tool, because it dries clear and give the water some depth.

The base is painted

Lastly I added some green static grass, washed it with Americana Soft Black, and dry brushed with Ceramcoat Pineapple. I used some Woodland Scenics Dark Green Moss, broke it into small pieces and glued it on. When the glue dried, I drybushed it lightly with Ceramcoat Pineapple.

Adding vegetation