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The Urban Mech: Decals, Details & Rust

Urban Mech IIc
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16 March 2006page first published

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Adrian Gideon writes:

At this point, I applied a few decals. I usually apply decals in the later stages, but since the majority of this job consists of weathering, I wanted the decals to be subjected to the same treatment. I put a large white "6" on each leg, and one on the chest. A warning sign was placed on the side of the large right autocannon. The most glaring decals were a set of checkers running up the legs – these were for use as a guide later on. I used solvent to set the decals. After they were set, I sealed them with some Future.

Once the decals were sealed, I began to reveal the "primer." I mixed Goblin Green to my basecoat (1/1) and applied it to the dome, top of the arms, top of the legs, front of the feet, and then liberally applied it here and there, giving special attention to the upper line of panels.

Decals added, primer revealed

The blue received an overall thin coat of Ice Blue, leaving an edge of the darker color near the panel lines and the "primer." The green was highlighted by 2/3 Goblin Green and 1/3 Livery Green.

Blue highlights, green highlights

The panel lines and edges overall were given an thinned highlight of Ghost Gray. At this point, the metallic areas were blacked out.

Metallic areas are blacked out

After some thought, I blacked out the metallic areas on the checkers, and blocked the dark blue areas with Regal Blue. I decided I wanted the ankles to match the checkers, so I went around them, alternating with Black and Regal Blue, leaving the "primer" showing, if applicable, along with some of the lighter blue here and there.

Then I started the rust process. I stippled and streaked Fiery Orange on the figure, concentrating mainly on the green areas. The dome and arms received most of it. Thinning down the Orange a bit, I freely stippled the miniature, breaking up any of the large flat areas.

The rust begins

The stippling was pretty boring, so I decided to take a break from the rust and block in the metallic areas with Cold Gray and the dark blue sections with Enchanted Blue, leaving a thin line of the darker colors exposed. I also painted some "tape" onto the right antennae – no real reason for it, it just needed to be done.

Working on the metallic areas