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"Tentacles Away!" with Flex-Sculpy

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Beowulf Fezian writes:

I guess it was only a matter of time…
Run to the hills!

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1 February 2008page first published

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Dances With Words Fezian writes:

I've been 'experimenting' with tentacled critters for my Lords of Saturn game/series of figures, and trying different materials, designs and such for several months...


Anyway... one of the materials I tried/liked for larger pieces... is Flex-Sculpey... which is like the stuff they make bendies out of...(supposedly?)...

Here you can see some of my work compared to 'original items'...

Inspirations and Flex-Sculpey sculpts
A pewter Simpsons Monopoly token... for 'scale' and is from the Treehouse of Horror series... and is Kang/Kodos? the 'aliens'...
My Flex-Sculpey version... first attempt....
A painted epoxy version of my 'icon'... in Titanian Orange instead of green... based on a sculpt originally done by Jay Miller/Big Miller Bro... but this is my sculpt of it...
The Flex-Sculpey version... no weapon yet....
my new 'member portrait'... a 'chocovader alien' by the name of 'Tako'...(which I think is octopus or something in Japanese)
This is the critter coming your way as a 'thank you' for all you do! It is a Flex-Sculpey version of the C figure... It's a little 'larger' than the toy... as you can see and has a lot more tentacles... but what can I say... you can never have 'too many tentacles'... (at least according to Cthulhu...)...
the Thing

The last figure has a weapon, but you might have to glue it in the 'grasp' of the tentacle. [I did.]

Side view

The Flex-Sculpey tends to 'bend' a bit more than epoxy, but can still break... a small drop of superglue will fix any 'breaks'...

Face of the Thing

Also, if you intend to take the figure near water... (as in the sink or bathtub... but I won't ask...) needs a coat of 'sealer' or it will eventually 'dissolve' as the Sculpey materials are 'water-soluable'... I normally paint and seal them... unless the color is naturally what I want... and then just 'seal'... but I wanted to make sure you got it 'unbroken' as the sealer tends to make things 'harder/more fragile' in the mail...

Close-up of the Gun

I'm still making more 'titanians' to try out poses for the series when we finally get to mold and cast them for 'real'... I am also doing more 'tentacled things'... (like my impression of the 'THING' in the basement and other Kang/Kodos 'octopoids'... in the meantime... just to stay in practice...

Amazon attacks the Tentacled Thing