First, the streams and roads were cut out using a Dremel tool. The roads were then painted on, using Coarse Grey for the Emmitsburg Pike and Coarse Brown for the minor roads. The stream bed was painted blue, and then filled with a glass-bead compound.
At this point, the stone walls were glued on, and then the woods (using Grass Blend from Woodland Scenics).

Fences were then glued on. And the fields were then flocked. A 50/50 mix of Grass Blend and Earth Blend was used overall. Burnt Grass was used for hay fields, and a yellow flock for crops. Plowed fields were left brown.

Finally, Fine Ballast - Grey Blend was spread over the areas stated to be rocky or rough. Olive Green Underbrush was spread randomly throughout the woods. The plowed fields, fences, walls and roads were painted with Tudor Stain polyurethane to darken them. The final map was covered with Dullcote, after which the trees were glued randomly to the wooden areas.