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Round Three Report from Gurney - Part 2

Vidar Wolf Helm
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£4 GBP


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15 January 2004page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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gurney continues:

Step 7 - The Wolf Skin

After searching on the internet for wolf photos to get inspiration, I decided to paint it as a "white" wolf (i.e., a mix of white and dark grey colors).

For the white parts, I basecoated with Green Ochre (914) + Beige (917). After that, a wash of Burnt Umber (941) has applied. I finished with several drybrushings of the base color, base color + beige + white, finishing with pure white on the most exposed parts.

Wolf pelt, showing the white fur area

For the grey parts, I started with a mix of Neutral Grey (992) + Green Ochre (914) + Beige (917). After a wash of Neutral Grey + black, I highlighted with a drybrushing of the base color + white.

Wolf pelt, showing the grey fur area

The inside of the skin is painted in Green Ochre, and some freehand was done using Yellow Ochre (913).

Inside of the wolf pelt

Step 8 - The Boots

I basecoated the boots using Burnt Umber. Then I highlighted by adding Snakebite Leather to the Burnt Umber, finishing with pure Snakebite.

Step 9 - The "Thing between the legs, hung to the belt"

The yellow parts are basecoated with Mithril Silver (Citadel) followed by a wash of Flat Yellow (953). For the orange parts, I basecoated with Bright Gold (Coat d'Arm), followed a wash of Orange Red (910).

The skirt

Step 10 - The Bracelet

I basecoated with a mix of Orange Red (910) and Cam. Extra Dark Green (896). Then I highlighted with Orange Red, Deep Orange (851) and Flat Yellow (953).

Step 11 - The Sword

I decided to use metallic paints for the blade, so I painted it in Mitril Silver (Citadel). Then I applied a wash of black, and gave highlights with Silver Grey (883). I finished with a wash of Mithril Silver.

The gold parts are painted with Ochre Marron (856), highlighted by adding white, and shaded by adding Burnt Umber.

Step 12 - The Base

For the rock, I used a piece of pine bark - glued on the base with PVA glue. I covered the remaining part with wood putty.

Unpainted base

I basecoated it using Citadel White spraypaint.

For the stone, I started with Stone Grey (884). Then I applied a wash of Flat Earth (983), followed by a wash of black. After that several drybrushings of the base color + white, finishing with pure white. A touch of green to "bring life" was also applied.

The stone has been painted

For the snow, I used baking soda mixed with PVA glue and water. I finished by touching up with Sky Blue (961) to give a wet effect.

Base with snow

Voila! Hope you'll like it.

See the Finished Pictures