Part 4
To be honest, I did go back and touch up the figures throughout the painting process with the original paint colors, and then waited for them to dry and washed them a second time, then touched them up once again, eliminating points where the wash didn't work the way I wanted.

Part 5
OK, for the basing, I used a glue gun as it is much cheaper than Crazy Glue or Loctite when doing lots of figures. I placed the little bastards on 1" x 1" bases, and proceeded to paint up some of Golden's Coarse Pumice Gel and spread it on like peanut butter without the salmonella. I then added some Elmer's and stones, and waited for it all to dry. Then I added more glue and paint diluted with water, a tuft of grass, again waited for it all to dry, and drybrushed with Foundry Base Sand Light.

After years of extensive research using primary source materials such as pictures, news reels, and extensive firsthand accounts of life in the field, I feel that my representation of DAK in battle is second-to-none and difficult to match. My dedication to the investigation of this subject matter includes countless hours of watching The Rat Patrol, which - despite constant criticisms of it being pure fiction - I still insist that it is quite feasible that four guys on two jeeps drove the DAK from North Africa.
The campaign in North Africa is one of my favorite historical WWII theaters to game and model. You can see lots of my North Africa work at Displaced Miniatures in the DAK galleries there. Also, I have many painted items for sale on eBay - just search for 'Combatpainter'.
Ultimately, you are the one to judge. I hope this short tour through the North African Desert was as thrilling for you as it was for me. And remember where there is combat, combatpainter will be there to paint it.

Keep in mind this squad is for sale! I can be contacted at