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Italian Command: Painting

Italian Command/Europe
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Suggested Retail Price
$15.00 USD


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Rhino Co writes:

This has me motivted for the BTD WWII Italians I bought and are waiting for me to return from Afghnistan to paint (along with some SYW French, SYW Prussians, WWII US Pars, and Fallschirmjager).

Revision Log
1 October 2008page first published

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World War Two on the Land

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Patrice Vittesse Fezian writes:

Then on to the painting. I started by giving everything a dark grey basecoat, and drybrushed it in a marginally lighter shade. This gave a nice effect of folds in the uniform, etc.

Sergeant painted
Sergeant (back)

I then painted the webbing in a yellowy "canvas" colour (as it was described to me), and didn't see the need at the time to highlight this (although I now wish I had) as the black of the undercoat came through and simulated shading, albeit more poorly than a highlight/lowlight would have done.

Rifleman's back

Then I painted the fleshy areas in the Flames of War style, leaving certain areas with the black showing.

Rifleman's face

I then painted the helmets, gaiters, belts, and berets in dark green (I'm not sure whether or not the berets should be dark green, but this seemed a reasonable assumption based upon the info I vaguely remember reading somewhere on the internet... hardly a reliable source, but in typical blockhead style I've lost half the links!).


I then painted up the weapons in gunmetal and brown, drybrushing the metal so as to achieve a more realistic finish (most notable on the machineguns).

A few bits of touching up and these figures were done, in probably just over an hour spread over a week.

Radio operator

I'm sure I haven't done these lovely figures the full justice they deserve, I'm also sure that my photography hasn't entirely done them justice either, but they were a joy to paint, and I'm sure that if I've got any of the details wrong, then someone on here will enlighten me so I can improve my technique and knowledge.

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