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3 - Adam Paints a Gorla Centurion

Simian Centurion
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Suggested Retail Price
$7.00 USD


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jpattern2 writes:

Yeah, I'd have liked to see the base built up a little more, too. As it is, it looks like he wanted a better view of the battlefield, so he climbed up on a pitcher's mound. Heh!

The mini is great, though.

Revision Log
2 March 2006page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Adam of Pro Painted Miniatures writes:

Assembled Centurion

I should have a "normal" 25mm figure next to this to give an impression of the size - I've painted Ogres which are smaller! The Centurion is mounted on a 40mm base.

I was made aware that there was a loose colour scheme to adhere to when painting this figure. As far as I could tell, that involved including some purple on the model.

Well, that saves me having to think too much....

After spraying the model black and giving it a couple of coats of nice watery black to cover any missed bits, I drybrushed his mail shirt with Chainmail paint (all the paints I use are Citadel acrylics), then gave it a watered-down black inkwash.

Centurion painted, washed, and medallions begun

The metal bands and 'medallions' are first painted in Scorched Brown, then in Dwarf Bronze, and finally Shining Gold. This is pretty much how I did all gold or bronze on this figure - adding different consistencies of Brown or Chestnut Ink to create diversity.

Medallions completed

The cloak is drybrushed Scorched Brown, followed by successive lighter brown drybrushes going to Bleached Bone at the hem. I gave it a watered-down brown inkwash to neaten it up.

The cloak