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Round Two Report from Bounide - Part 3

Knight of the Balance
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18 December 2003page first published

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bounide continues:

Since I wanted a slightly different brown for the coat belt, it was given a basecoat consisting of a 50/50 mix of black and Vallejo Orange Brown (981). This was highlighted up to pure Orange Brown, then Bubonic Brown was added.

For the skin, I mixed up a basecoat consisting of Vallejo Orange Brown (981) and Medium Fleshtone (860). I shadowed the base by adding to the base Vallejo Cavalry Brown (982) and Flat Brown (984). I highlighted with Sunny Skintone (845) and Ivory (918).

I painted the eyes black, then white and, finally, I added a small black dot in the iris. Once the face was done, I painted the helmet exactly the same way as the armour plates. The hair was given a thinned black basecoat, highlighted with Sky Grey (989) and shadowed with pure black.

The helmet

It was time to prepare the base. First, I filled the base slot with Milliput, leaving a small hole in which to insert the piece of wire fixed under the foot of the Knight. Then I coated the base with a 50/50 mix of PVA glue and water, dipped it in sand, and left it to dry thoroughly. Once the sand was dry, I primed the base with GW Chaos Black and drybrushed it with Codex Grey. The base was finished off with light touches of Cavalry Brown (982) and Orange Brown (981).

The base

After the miniature was firmly fixed to the base with superglue, the weapons were the last elements to be painted. The combat-blade grips were darklined with black, then basecoated with thinned Cavalry Brown (982) and highlighted with Light Flesh (928). The brown elements were given a base mix of English Uniform (921) with a small touch of German Uniform (920). The highlights were done by adding Beige (917), then white.

Sword grip

The other sword grip