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Finalist Cmdr G Reports

Dwarven Flying Machine with Flamethrower
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Suggested Retail Price
8.13 EUR


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18 November 2002page first published

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Finalist Gordon 'Cmdr G' Roach sends along the following introduction:

Hi all. Thought I had better do a quick intro before I start on this model. I am Gordon 'Cmdr G' Roach, 34, married with one almost-4-year-old daughter (who has started wargaming with me using some old plastics for her army) and one cat. We live in New Plymouth, New Zealand. I now run Task Force Productions from home as I have a disability, which can make painting difficult at times.

CmdrX as painted by Cmdr G

I have wargamed for over 20 years now, and have painted for most of those. I enjoy any period or scale to model, and even do extensive conversions and scratchbuilds (my largest is a figure about 10" tall). Although I have mostly done historicals, I also enjoy some sci-fi and fantasy.

I have some of my work on display at which is a gallery I run for people to show off their work (so send in your pics, I want to show yours off).

Others have shown off their work areas - well, I won't. I can't get close enough to it at the moment. I do much of my work (figure painting) on a small trolley I use to help me get around the house sometimes. This is handy in that you can take your work with you in the house. However, at times it is just not big enough, for everything at once.

the trolley