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Duelling Wizards: The Water Wizard


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20 December 2006page first published

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3,144 hits since 20 Dec 2006
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Adam of Pro Painted Miniatures writes:

The fire wizard is very dynamic and purposeful in his pose and colour scheme. In contrast, the water wizard is far more serene. Not only his clothing, but also his skin tone needs to reflect this.

For starters, I painted his cloak Storm Blue, highlighted first with Enchanted Blue, then Ice Blue as the final highlight.

Painting the cloak

The dangly bits hanging from the wizard's shoulders and his hat are painted in Scaly Green, then highlighted in Jade Green, then Vile Green.

Painting the face

His face is first painted a mix of Codex Grey and Tanned Flesh, then highlighted with a few lighter layers, each time adding equal amounts of Rotting Flesh and Dwarf Flesh. This gives his skin a pallid 'corpse like' feel. This wizard's eyes are Codex Grey with a dot of white.

Finishing the eyes

The water wizard is finished off by painting the details and decorations with Chainmail, then giving them an ink wash of black ink mixed with blue ink.

Finished Water Wizard