Metallics, hmmmmm.....
That's one of the things I had hoped to avoid doing much of with this model. As it turned out, I did the top and bottom of the figure with metallics. For the arm armor and gauntlet, I based with Pure Black, 9037, followed with a drybrush of Admantium Black, 9124 (a very dark version of gunmetal), and then drybrushed with the Silver Metallics triad (consisting of Shadowed Steel, 9052, Honed Steel, 9053, and Polished Silver, 9054).
I used the Blood Triad and Gold Metallics Triad on the shield. First I basecoated with Pure Black on the front of the shield, and Muddy Brown on the back. I took the Warm Deep Brown Triad and went from a darker color (Muddy Brown) to a lighter one (Leather Brown). On the front of the shield, I painted the metal sections first using the Gold Metallics Triad - with Ancient Bronze, 9049, being the first color I started with, and highlighting out to the New Gold, 9051.
After having done the shield, the feet were the easy part. I painted in Pure Black, then used the Gold Metallics Triad to paint and highlight. I wnet back and added some of the WonderWash Ink in certain areas that I felt did not get enough separation between colors.
Finally, I went back and finished the belts at the waist and around the chest. I again used the Warm Deep Brown Triad, and highlighted the buttons on the chest strap with New Gold. Then I used a thin application of WonderWash Ink to the areas around the metallic studs (only), to make them pop out. On the waistbelt, I based the metal piece with Pure Black and then highlighted from dark to light from the bottom of the belt to the top. I followed this up with a wash of WonderWash Ink, to make sure the holes in the belt would be visible.