OK, I don't know why, but for some reason this lady here really looked to me as if she was the real boss of this pack.
I decided her dress had to be red, so I used, again, VMC814 Burnt Cadmium Red as a base on which to build the highlights with VMC957 Flat Red and VMC817 Scarlet; this time, I also added some deeper shadows with extremely thin glazes of GW Green Ink in the recesses, and some lighter highlights with VGC Hot Orange.
The lingerie showing obviously had to be black, with very limited VMC 862 Black Grey highlights, and her hair had to be auburn, too, so I started it with GW Terracotta and built the highlights with a mix of GW Vomit Brown and GW Fiery Orange.

Once again, it was great fun painting these miniatures, and I am really glad Editor in Chief Bill
gave me the chance to have a go at it.