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Obelisk's GangStars at Blue Table

Da Dowgs
Product #
GA 001
Suggested Retail Price
€12.50 EUR

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Filbanto writes:

The eyes are not "clean" and it doesn't look like there are 4 levels of shading. From the images the results don't look up to the advertised "Level 4".

Revision Log
22 February 2007page first published

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Yesterday, I described in part how our recent Workbench project went with Blue Table Painting. However, since I wanted to see how they handled larger orders, the Boneyard Express wasn't the only model I provided them with - I also sent them three packs of GangStars.

Josef Ochmann of Obelisk Miniatures describes his GangStars range as "unusual miniatures" for use with "Pulp, Near Future or contemporary tabletop games or RPG's."

I again requested 4 - Elite standard of painting, and an "urban/asphalt" style of basing (a custom request, since this wasn't one of their usual options). The pricing came out as:

Assembly  $1.25
Painting  $120.00 (15 humans)
          $15.00 (3 dogs)
Shipping  no additional charge 
          (combined with other item)

I should explain that they paint on a scale of 1 to 9, with the Level 4 - Elite (higher than Wargamer, lower than Champion) standard described as:

  • Four levels of shading
  • Standard base
  • No errors
  • Clean Eyes
Two or Three of the following:
  • Specialty Base
  • Embellishment
  • Detailed Embellishment (counts as two)

Da Dowgs

The first set consists of "5 tough rapstar gangers plus a doberman." Here's how they turned out:

Da Dowgs
Da Dowgs
Da Dowgs
Da Dowgs
Da Dowgs
Da Dowgs