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Fiat Torpedo: Painting the Car


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23 September 2007page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian of Warcolours Miniature Painting Studio writes:

At this point, I gave it a first coat using VMC 897 Bronze Green. I always begin with the darkest colour I am going to use, and build my highlights from this - but this time it seemed to me that the tint was not dark enough, so I added a quick wash with GW Black Ink.

Basecoated and washed

In order to achieve a weathered look on 15mm vehicles, I tend to build up the colour with multiple layers drybrushed one after the other on the shading tone - so I started with a couple of layers of VMC 888 Olive Grey, which would be the right shade for the service colour used at that time.

Layering with Olive Grey

Then I added a little VMC 914 Green Ochre to the Olive Grey, and drybrushed it sparingly on the raised areas as a final highlight.
