I recently picked up several 15mm resin airplane models from Armaments in Miniatures (AIM). Originally I intended to assemble and paint them, and then create a new posting on the WWII Aviation Product Reviews board. Somehow, I ended up here (flattered I am).
From the kits I picked up, I decided that I would assemble and paint three Polikarpov I-16s for the Workbench project. These are quality resin kits, and come with several parts.

- Hobby knife
- Small drill
- Sanding sticks
- Superglue applicator
- Size 3, 5, and 8 paint brushes
- Rust-Oleum Gray Automotive Primer
- Krylon Crystal Clear (matte)
- Vallejo paints
- Distilled water
- Artist oils & thinner
- Future floor wax
- Superglue and gap-filling superglue
- Decals
- Pastels
- Vinyl gloves
- Apron
- Safety equipment (goggles & dust mask)
- Soap, toothbrush, foam block, toothpicks
- Reference books