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c - Aging the Hang Glider Wings

Dwarven Flying Machine with Flamethrower
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11 July 2003page first published

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Finalist Cmdr G writes:

Getting into Detail

Next was the start to aging the sails. An off-white/cream color was added to the wings in areas where shadow might show. This was blended with whiter shades of the color to blend the color with the white of the sails.

The wings

So leaving the model to dry, I went and found my favorite wash for the next stage. I say find it as my daughter of almost 4 years age has walked off with it (visions of a massive stain spring to mind).

The wash I used is a black Indian ink. It is very easy to work with, and thins well. I make a mix of it, mixing in about 1/3 water (to the water has been added a drop of detergent). The detergent 'relaxes' the water and allows the ink to flow better.

Using a large brush the model was washed with my wash mix, carefully pushing it into every detail and crease. It is now that I appreciate all the extra work I did in prep by removing those very faint but numerous casting lines which would be showing up now.

The model is allowed to fully dry, as oil-based enamels and water do not get on well when both are wet.

The Bat at this stage of painting

The next stage is to finish those wings. I am not happy with them at the moment (I always think that at this point, the wash technique I use is very destructive looking). However, it was giving me the sort of dark aging I wanted, so all was not too bad.

I then painted and blended a thinned-out Gray mix I made from Humbrol and applied this over the previous yellowy finish. I then took the white and drybrushed it over the upper surface of the sails.
