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Painting Gashonock the Retiring

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8 February 2008page first published

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fernandopainting Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian of Fernando Enterprises writes:

Sanath of Fernando Enterprises


The first thing we did was to clean up the casting with a craft knife and round file. Mold lines, flash, and all the other usual imperfections can ruin an otherwise great paintjob, so we try and get as smooth a surface as we can.

These figures were fragile - made up of a soft lead alloy - so we were very careful when we cleaned the mold lines.

Prepared figure

We undercoated with grey primer (spray).


The first thing we did was to paint the body of the figure using a light green acrylic, using the #02 Miniature Lovers paint brush.

Basecoated with light green

Then we applied a dark green wash.

Working on the flesh

We highlighted it with lime green, using a flat paint brush.

Next, we moved to paint the fingernails. First we painted with black, and then highlighted the nails using white.

Flesh and fingernails
Flesh and toenails

After highlighting the body, we started to paint the outer clothing. For that, we used a white basecoat and highlighted with grey.

Outer clothing

After painting the outer clothing, we moved to paint the inner clothing. The inner clothing was painted using bluish grey and red.

Inner clothing

Next is the mouth. We were careful not to mess with the face while painting the mouth! First, we applied a basecoat of black for the mouth - including the teeth. Then we painted the mouth using red, highlighted with pink. The teeth were painted using an off-white color.

The mouth

We painted the sword using silver, and shaded with black paint. The sword hilt was painted silver, gold, and red - highlighted with black.


The hat was painted using dark violet, and highlights were done with light violet.


The eyes are a distinguishing part of this figure. They were painted with red, using the 10/0 Miniature Lovers paint brush.


The chain and bangle were painted black, highlighted with gold.

Chain and bangle

And here is the completed figure of Gashonock the Retiring:

Gashonock the Retiring