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Painting a Dark Sword Chick in Chain Mail - Part 5

Masterworks: Elmore Set #1
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

And he makes it look so easy...

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13 June 2005page first published

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Minidragon continues:

Fancy shields

While the practically minded would almost certainly keep their shield devices (if any!) as simple as possible, our heroine will be equipped with an ornate masterpiece!

I love painting fancy shields - it adds another point of interest to a figure, and it's very satisfying (to me) to look at the intricate designs I sometimes manage, when all is done.

For this one, I decided on a bold red background (to complement her fiery hair) with a subtle pattern of vines and flowers. Over this, I would superimpose a stylized flower.

I started out by giving the shield a nice even coat of IWM Red. I thinned my paint a good bit, and built up the base color with three coats.

The shield has a basecoat of red

Next, I drew a sample vine pattern on my work surface (it's a piece of white foamcore) [Inset]. When I had something I was happy with, I began painting similar patterns on the shield. I painted the pattern on with very thin Partha Paints Robe Red.

Adding the vine pattern

I kept going with the vines and flowers until I'd covered the whole shield. I added extra swirls, roses, and fleur-de-lis anywhere where I though there was too large a space.

The shield is entirely covered with decoration

Next, I added the silhouette of the flower. I also tossed in a couple of stumpy fleur-de-lis for good measure. Some people are intimidated by this sort of thing - "what if I wreck all my careful vinework" - be bold! Forge ahead! Damn the torpedoes! and all that jazz... You just have to bite the bullet and go ahead with your plan, or let it go with what you've got!

Main flower design is added

Finally, I carefully painted the inside of the flower lines and fleur-de-lis white, and then shaded them with my gray mix. This went faster than it might seem... it's vital that your paint is not too thin or thick though, either way and you'll make a mess of things.

Finished shield

Shield done! Bold and dramatic is what I was going for, and I think I managed it!