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Maria: In the End

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Grungydan writes:

It's twisted into a really unnatural position. It's as if she's trying to rotate it out of socket in order to show someone the serial number on the pistol's magazine. It just doesn't look like a remotely natural position for one's arm and hand to be in, to me. In fact, I just tried to do that with my own arm, and I can't get it to twist that far in that direction.

I bet if a person were careful enough, it could be twisted (in pliers with a cloth maybe) to the left a bit and it would look okay.

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10 July 2006page first published

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Lonewolf dcc Fezian writes:

Completed Maria on base

So that concludes my step-by-step tutorial of how I painted Maria from Hasslefree Miniatures. I hope it was marginally less painful to read than it was to write, and that you can find something that will help you in your painting.

Completed Maria
Completed Maria (front)
Completed Maria (back)

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