The next day, Ma and Pa were primed flat black. I use Armory spray; it has never let me down.
The ground area, tree parts, and any bare skin were painted Dark Brown.
This past month, I saw a fellow's historical minis, and really liked his stippling of the bases in favor of flocking. His work was so good that the figure's molded base line disappeared completely against the base it was glued to.
I wanted the muddy areas to be level ground. While I wasn't trying to disguise lines on the base, I wanted to have mud represented on the base without using something like wood putty. I stippled on Woodland Brown and Volcano Brown, with a few Granite specks for random pieces of gravel.
Next, the rocks were painted Shadow Gray, and drybrushed with Space Wolf Gray. The wood parts were drybrushed completely with Volcano Brown, and in spots with Woodland Brown.
Once the figures were completely painted, I added some clumps of model railroad flock. Being a Halloween article (also, Evil Dead takes place in what looks like fall, and it would add some color to the drab mud), I went with autumn flocking.
I've switched to wood glue in favor of regular school white glue when flocking. I get a better hold from it.
The Evil severed hand was painted like the rest of the zombie skin (see below), but with Imperial Purple veins added. The Evil stump and skulls were given glowing eyes - a Reaper Maroon base, with Yellow centers. The skulls are a drybrush of Ivory with Red Ink splashes.