Having decided quite early on that I wanted her to be Blonde, I decided to go for a more natural-looking blonde, rather than the usual "yellow" blonde you see on miniatures.
Hair Step 1
I gave her hair a nice, solid basecoat using a mix of 50/50 (GW) Graveyard Earth + (GW) Kommando Khaki.

Hair Step 2
Next, I picked out the individual strands of hair using Kommando Khaki.

Hair Step 3
I continued to highlight the edges of the hair, using a 50/50 Kommando Khaki + Bleached Bone mix.

Hair Step 4
Concentrating on the top of her head and fringe, I gave it a final highlight of Bleached Bone.

Just as a side note: I also used steps 2-4 to paint the laces on her boots.