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Round Six Report from Rob Jedi - Part 3

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7 July 2004page first published

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Rob Jedi continues:

You may notice in the following photos he kind of deconstructs as the paint progresses. I was having such a hard time painting around the lower arms that I just broke them off. Same thing goes for the head - it was too hard to get between the big shoulders.

By this stage, I was trying out various greys in my collection, and discovering that most of my Palmer paints that I like so much cover terribly over white. (Kinda the opposite of most paints that won't cover black - these don't cover white very well.)

I also started adding some blue areas with some Moody Blue, to start that two-tone-look of police vehicles. I was, however, getting overly frustrated with some of the paints. I think with winter on us and the heater on, the dry air was doing terrible things to drying times. That's why one of the shoulders looks such a mess - I had to sand it back and paint it again.

Starting with blue

To try and get at least one bit finished (and put some confidence back in the project), I decided to do the head. I first added shading to the white areas with a few old Games Workshop greys, going as dark as Codex Grey. I then painted the dark areas with Moody Blue, and highlighted this with Enchanted Blue and Sky Blue on the very edges. I painted the metallic parts with Boltgun Metal. I added some detailing with tiny triangles of Holly Red next to the cheek details.

The Gundam Marker

I then thought I'd try out a new Gundam Marker that I'd picked up recently. I drew on the word "POLICE" on one side of the helmet - and was quite happy with the result, so did it again on the other side. To finish up, I painted a number "2" on top of the head in white.

The head (two views)