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LPS2 Round 4 - Report from Adrian Gideon

Nobori-Nin (Omni)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
$8.50 USD


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Chunga writes:

My goodness that is amazing!

Revision Log
4 October 2006page first published

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Adrian Gideon writes:


Before the contest I was familiar with the Dazzle paint schemes, since they were originally inspired by Cubist art - the simplest form of dazzle that I've seen (and have painted) consists of a polygon camo scheme. However, for the purposes of this contest, I wanted to push myself and do a more difficult scheme, consisting of bands that help distort shapes and create false perspective. Most of the relevant theoretical dazzle schemes I found during my research were in black-and-white, but I decided to go for a more practical desert scheme of sand, black and blue.

For this project, I chose the Nobori-Nin out of all the remaining miniatures, because it had the most possibility for dynamic pose right out of the box. It provides a torso, fin, arms, waist, and legs (with the lower right leg separate to accommodate a running pose). It did not need any special preparation for assembly. Since the majority of the piece would be a desert color, I primed it white.

Primed mini

For the basecoat, I mixed three parts Bone White to 1 part Vallejo Medium Flesh, and applied three thin coats.


To break up the shapes even further, I used Apple Barrel Light Blue to apply a few "sky" patches to the miniature.

Sky patches

Next, using pure Vallejo Medium Flesh, I randomly added shapes to simulate folds or shadows.

Faux folds