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The Army for Bill: Warband #2


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nazghash writes:

I believe figure #2 is my work. The shield is a snippet of Diet Pepsi can, suitably bent and formed using whatever happened to be laying around the workbench at the time.

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10 August 2007page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Here's the second warband in the Army for Bill - only this time I've mounted them the other way round on the movement tray, to emphasize their impetuous spirit!

Warband #2

Figure #1

Figure #1

The group looks prone to get into trouble, so I thought I'd give them one of the old, steady "bald guys" to give them strength and suppport. (I could have used this figure as a skirmisher, but I had plenty already.)

Figure #1

This figure is anonymous at the moment - will the painter step forward and claim his fame?

Figure #2

Figure #2

I like the "naked aggression" spirit of this warrior. Some of the notable details are the Celtic-style pants, the tattoos, and the interesting treatment of the sword.

Figure #2

I'm also hoping that the artist can tell us more about how he made the shield - but alas, this figure is "anonymous" at the moment...

Figure #2

Figure #3

Figure #3

Another animated figure, and he's doing the Celtic "punked hair" look! The pants are painted particularly nicely, and the shield stands out on the wargame table.

Figure #3

Painted by whill4.