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5 - Dwarven Leaders Q&A

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31 August 2002page first published

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Comments or corrections?

As has become our custom, we collected questions from readers (and added a few of our own), then invited Gary to answer them. We also took some additional photographs in the TMP studio.

Thorbal, Servant of Fire

Is the Rustoleum a spray primer? Do you know any tricks to getting good coverage? Does it matter if you miss a few spots?

Rustoleum brand metal primer is a spray-on primer. Hold can 6 inches from the figures and you shouldn't miss anything!

It must be hard to prime these figures, since they have so many little holes (chainmail).

Not a problem when you spray prime them.

Argam Rustbeard

I noticed you painted some of the hair as well as the skin with the Apple Barrel flesh color. Was this just because it was in the way?

I'm lazy! I'm also sloppy! The hair would be painted later and cover the flesh paint.

Where do you get Liquitex? What kind of paint is that?

Liquitex is an artist-quality acrylic paint, and the pigment is very finely ground. Each ounce bottle costs about $3.00 USD and can be bought at craft supply stores or art supply stores.

rear view of Argam Rustbeard

Where do you get gloss acrylic varnish? Do you always have to use it with Liquitex? How much do you add?

I buy a quart can at Lowes or Home Depot. I use it for washes. Some people buy floor polish which is diluted acrylic varnish. Experiment with quantities as the results can be quite different. More varnish makes the wash more viscous.

Why do you use Liquitex for washes, rather than other paints?

They work! Most other paints have coarse pigments and leave a patchy result. I use inks sometimes, but I may add varnish to those to reduce the opacity.

close-up of Thorbal's face

What did you use to paint the cloak? I have trouble finding a green that covers well.

That was Games Workshop Snot Green. You may have to apply two coats sometimes.

back of the Dwarven Priest, showing the cloak

It seems like the only highlighting you mention is on the cloak. How did you highlight the cloak, and why did you not highlight anything else? Was it because the cloak is flat and everything else had depth?

I'm lazy! When I paint, I dilute the paint with water and paint over a white base. By the time I apply washes, there is no need to highlight.

I think I highlighted the cloak by painting a diluted coat of yellow mixed with green on the ridges. I may have drybrushed GW Scorpion Green.

yellow line on the cloak

How did you paint that yellow line on the cloak? What kind of brushes do you use?

Using a 10/0 liner brush, I painted a black line first. I would then paint a white line over it, then paint yellow or just slap yellow ink over the white.

I could never paint a steady line like that.

There are ways to steady your hand. The easiest is to put your elbow into your hip and rest your hand on your table, and make the line by just moving the brush with your fingers.

the axe

Did you do anything special to get that great look for the axe handle?

No. Cote d'arms (Old GW) Hairy Brown with a raw umber wash. I may have used ink as well.

Which figure did you like best?

I hate 15 mm figures!

profile of Argam Rustbeard

How much would you charge to do more figures like these (special characters)?

15mm figures are not my favorite thing. $2.50 USD a piece.

How long did it take you to paint them?

You wouldn't believe me, but those were painted very quickly. They were painted and photographed in the same afternoon along with a bunch of other stuff. I didn't time myself, but on average I can paint sixty 25mm figures in a week. If I really push myself I can do more - as many as 120.

the finished duo

Do you have to be "born" a good painter, or can practice help?

I'm better now then I was 8 years ago when I started doing this for money. So practice makes perfect, I guess.

What would you say to a new painter just starting out?

Advice to new painters is: thin your paint, and keep your brushes clean and moist while painting.

If you are considering doing this for money: Buy 20 figures that you really hate and don't want to paint. Then paint them and time yourself. If you think you can make money and not burn out, then go for it! There is a lot of stuff I really hate to paint.......

Thanks again to Gary Leitzell! Even though he says 15mm scale figures aren't his favorites, he's done a marvelous job of showing us what can be done in this scale.