This is the story of a dragon from Epic Aberration Games.
Editor in Chief Bill
was kind enough to send him to me.
Having fallen into bad company, our poor hero - the dragon whom I will now call Bob - managed to, eventually, pass out at Mardi Gras and get spray-painted interesting colors. Bedecked in glow-in-the-dark necklaces, he staggered... er...was shipped back to His Awesomeness, Editor in Chief Bill
But that's the end of the story. It started this way:
With a box...
...with dragon bits in it...

...ooooo... dragon bits!
Pleasantly little flashing to deal with.
Unlike most multi-piece dragons, Bob had what looked to be more stable attachments - really long posts and well-fitting slots. And just stop that, you people! In at least one case, there were 2 post/slots for a joint.
Theoretically, I should not have had to do any pinning at all.
But I did.
"Hmmmmmmm," Bob thought. "I fit together well..."

"... but my sculpting make me look like a crappy action figure!"
Here's an example:

I thought this was a harsh assessment. But, alas, accurate.
Out came the greenstuff.
Among the many repairs, I fixed that joint.

Behave! That isn't a dragon dangly bit! It's the post for attaching him to his stand.
Yeesh, you people.
At this point, my computer and most of my pictures were consumed by a giant snorffling crash.
Pics you can't see:
- more greenstuff to fill joints
- more greenstuff poorly sculpted over the filled joints
- thumb into at least one of the filled, sculpted and not yet dry joints
Repeat ad nauseam. (Eemphasis on the nausea.)
And then:
- primer (brush on white)
- found mold lines
- re-prime