The zombies may be everywhere, but that doesn't mean it's ok to dress like a ragamuffin! The aim for Lily was to make her look like she just stepped out of GAP Kids.
Lily's clothes are made up of GW blues and reds. The colors for the tartan skirt are also mixed. There's a cantaloupe orange, and a dark wine-purple. The blue is GW Ice Blue.

You can see in the pics the point where I decided the nose had to be fixed. Here's a profile "after" shot:

The trash can lid was especially tricky to do in NMN. I had some reference, but none of my pics were ideal. It is really difficult to figure out how the light reflects in those recesses. In the end, I trusted my instincts and went for it. My first couple of attempts went sour, and I had to start again.
I think the pictures explain better than I can here the method I eventually settled on. My general advice is not to make the shadows too dark.
The RAF symbol on the back of the lid is her defining detail, like the belt buckle is for Russ and the - pardon - lack of bra is for Connie. This tells the story of how Lily looks up to Priscilla. She insisted on having an RAF badge just like her sister. It's a sort of "talisman" to protect her from the zombies.

A really bad picture (above) shows progress with the trash lid.

Lily's hair is basecoated with a mix of C Spearstaff Brown, C Snakebite Leather, C Badmoon Yellow, and white. Highlights are this mix, VMC Pale Sand, and white.
Socks are a pink color mixed as described earlier. (I've since bought a pot of pink paint, but it's good to know that it can be mixed pretty easily with Red Gore and white. It's far from essential.) Her shoes are VMC German Field Grey, P Olive Green, then GW Putrid Green up to white.
Her blouse color is mixed from GW Dwarf Flesh, GW Bronzed Flesh, C Badmoon Yellow, and white, then highlighted up to pure white.
Her flesh is painted like her brother's, only with no Bronzed Flesh at all.