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unknown member writes: First, I'd like to thank all the people who didn't vote me out. For Round 2, I wanted to write a real step-by-step report. Unfortunately, my camera didn't go along with my plan... First, I cleaned up the mould lines with a sharp knife and fine sandpaper. Then I removed the bar and drilled a hole in the right foot, where I superglued a piece of wire. I also drilled holes in the back of the miniature and in the gun, so as to strengthen the attachment of the weapon to the miniature when it was pinned. Finishing the preparation, I washed the miniature with soapy water and primed it with GW White Skull aerosol. ![]() For my "space ninja," a black suit seemed inevitable. My basecoat is a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Black (950) and Dark Prussian (899). ![]() Then I highlighted the base by adding more and more white to the feet and the thighs. ![]() For the armour, my main motivation was to test a colour I had bought and never used before: Vallejo Dark Bluegrey (904). I simply applied it to the armour plates, and highlighted them with white. The result you see on the pictures was later improved by shadowing the armour with a mix of black and Dark Bluegrey, and by exaggerating the highlights by adding even more white. ![]() ![]() ![]() |